The New Kid On The Block: People Insights By Webex

Nextplane Inc.
4 min readDec 23, 2019

To achieve successful collaboration, the importance of quality relationships cannot be overemphasized. As much as quality relationship is vital, it is not one that can be built overnight.

Added to this is the fact that most times, people in an organization might not get to know every single person that is a part of their team. Sometimes, they lack knowledge of who they are communicating with and this can affect the vision of the organization.

The more the number of people to interact with grows, users might have some difficulty putting names to the several faces available. This is a challenge for professionals, especially where growth and productivity depend solely on having adequate information about who users are interacting with.

Effective communication makes collaboration easier and more productive. This can be further enhanced by improving the quality of information about the people involved.

What is People Insights?

People Insights is a feature that provides Webex users with relevant, professional and up-to-date data on everyone they are interacting with.

People Insights gathers information about users from the web such as:

  • Work history and biography
  • Profile pictures
  • Company information
  • Education
  • News articles

Conversations can be made more effective with the presence of relevant information; this is what People Insights aims to achieve. For colleagues, they get to find out more about one another and this helps to strengthen their relationships.

How are People Insights Relevant to Today’s Workplace?

People Insights has put a lot in place to make the workplace run smoothly for all and sundry. It is relevant in the following areas:

Providing Insightful Analytics

With the use of employee data and technology, People Insights has gotten rid of all guess works and replaced them with facts. With this, it has also gotten rid of the need to always use Google in gathering valid information about people as such information might not be adequate.

Fosters Collaboration and Productivity

People Insights is there to help all through the collaboration cycle — before collaboration, during collaboration, and after collaboration.

Before collaborating, it helps to understand the history and roles of each participant. This provides clearer information about users involved and makes collaboration easier.

During collaborating, it helps to reduce the time that would have been spent on introductions and getting to know each other better. This time can then be converted towards more productive interactions.

After collaborating, People Insights makes follow-up easy by providing information about those present at the meeting and their respective roles.

Keeps Users Updated

People are bound to make changes to their lives, learn new skills, develop an interest in new hobbies. For users of People Insight, they can always keep their profiles updated whenever these changes are being made.

Once updated, colleagues have access to the new information about one another. This helps to keep everyone abreast as you know what each and every member of your team is up to.

With People Insight, users are always provided with the right information per time that is needed to engage in right and meaningful conversations. What better way to make users and customers feel more at home by making conversations personal?

Having updated information about everyone you are relating to makes them feel more comfortable and relaxed interacting with you.

Frequently Asked Questions About People Insights

While plans are being made for additional languages on People Insights, it currently supports only one language; English.

As long as People Insights is enabled for a company, users in the company have control over both public and user-entered data within People Insights.

Yes, it is. People Insights was created with data protection and privacy top on its priority list. All contents are curated from available sources publicly. After this is done, links of the public sources are provided in order to offer users a view into their digital footprint and public presence.

Yes, users have easy access to their profiles. Not only that, but users can also request for edits and deletion of information they feel is inaccurate.

Users of Webex can request for data download. A copy of People Insights profile can also be made available to individuals alongside their self-generated information. This can be done by sending an email to

Final Thoughts

People Insights is a feature extension of Webex that comes in an easy-to-use format. By providing relevant information on each individual throughout a collaboration process, it builds a better relationship which in return improves outcome.

Not only does it provide the necessary information, but it also helps to keep in touch with every change taking place in its users’ lives.

Originally published at on December 23, 2019.

