How Video Conferencing is Changing The Art of Doing Business

Nextplane Inc.
4 min readOct 28, 2019

From what it used to be decades ago, video conferencing has assumed a place of importance in today’s business place. As it has rapidly become a staple in the workplace, it has provided stability for companies internal and external communications structure. In the 2019 Impact of Video Conferencing report, it did not come as a surprise that businesses have become to be above 50% more collaborative and innovative. That’s not all, unlike before, video conferencing have enabled remote working and schedule flexibility easier. Distance have stopped being a barrier to business communication and forging of relationship, all thanks to the power of video conferencing.

Today, you have the power to link co-workers, business partners and colleagues from around the world relying on video conferencing. It’s not that video conferencing is new but it has gone through developments which has further lowered the cost of deployments. Contributing to the evolutionary footprints of video conferencing is high speed internet which is one of the gifts of the new millennium. Unlike ever before, the business world is more equipped to embrace video conferencing.

Broader Collaboration and Seamless Communication

Video conferencing solutions unlike other every available technology available is helping to break barriers. In a more simpler manner, businesses are able to communicate across borders. There’s a more hands-on approach to communication between employees, employers and even clients. Regardless of the size of the business, video conferencing helps to create a personal bond and forge professional relationships regardless of distance.

With video conferencing, dispersion and distance has ceased to be a barrier to doing business. Truly, nothing beats a face to face interaction when it comes to business but video conferencing has shown itself to be the closest thing to the former. With today’s wide range of state of the art video conferencing solutions, you have in your hands and in your sight, the closest thing to working across each others cubicles and workstations.

In reality, video conferencing has taken away the sense of distance associated with working and transacting with partners overseas.

Getting Things Done and Business Going Without Disruption

In the business world, face to face meeting and interaction forms the basis of every business relationship. However, due to distance and logistics, it has become impractical for businesses to reach out to potential clients and customers. The getting to you and knowing the team process can now be done via video conferencing. This cut out the business timeline and ensures that things get done fast.

Being a powerful tool that every business must embrace and deploy, video conferencing addresses every issue in real time. It’s normal and expected for customers to have issues and questions on product and services. However, it is not considered normal if the brand is unable to address these issues in a timely and assuring manner.

In the end, video conferencing helps to build a strong relationship of trust between business partners across thousands of miles and kilometers.

Creates a Sense of Unity and Team Spirit

Even in instances and scenarios where no one expects a unified front due to distance, video conferencing always saves the day. In a simple sense, every key member of the team can actively participate in meetings, webinars and drills using video conferencing. There will never be a need for anyone to fly over long distances weekly for a one-hour meeting. There are always instances when it makes no sense to travel and, in such moments, video conferencing seems to be the best bet.

In traffic prone cities, you can always reach out to business partners and customers via video conferencing. All that needs to be done is the scheduling of the meeting at a time convenient for both parties. For instance, it will not make any sense for a one hour travel for a problem that could be solved in less than 5 minutes. But with video conferencing, it’s more like being in the same room.

Truly, geographical dispersion is never a hindrance to building rapport, unity and team spirit.

Improved Productivity and Optimization

Do you believe you can be into two or more places at once? All thanks to Video Conferencing for making this possible. Since you will not be travelling, you can utilize the travel time in doing more for the business. Productivity can be improved by holding video calls with customers and partners in lieu of travelling around the globe.

There’s also a misunderstanding often associated with email and regular phone calls, this is however reduced through video conferencing. While on video conferencing, only words do not carry the message, facial expression and body language also reveals a lot. On the spot, participants can speak up and seek clarification on any misunderstanding. Of course, there’s a heightened alertness and focus when being viewed by others.

The bottom line is not in doubt, Video conferencing get the best out of the human resource as the disposal of a company. This in turn leaders to faster turnaround time of projects as partners are in sync towards achieving objectives.

Overall Employee Satisfaction and Motivation

Even if they get paid for travelling round the globe, it will get to a point where it will start to take emotional and physical toll on your employees. when video conferencing replaces frequent travels, there is an expected improvement in health, morale and job satisfaction.

Overall, there is a low job turnover due to stress associated with travelling. Remote work is one of the contributors to employee satisfaction. Video conferencing is all about a work life balance. If your employees have to travel less, they are likely to be happier, healthier and highly productive.

Originally published at on October 28, 2019.

