7 Cloud Computing Advantages for Business Communication
The goal of technological developers is to create a more advanced option that cancels out the disadvantages of existing technology. After this, it depends solely on individuals to choose if they want to continue with the previous technology or not. Cloud computing is one of those advanced technical solutions that totally eliminated the disadvantages of using a hard disk. This is not to say that the hard disk doesn’t have its own advantages but to reduce the risk of losing your important files to a disk crash, cloud computing became an option. With cloud computing, your files are saved on a remote server as opposed to being saved on your hard disk. You can access them anytime you choose, from the same server.
While running a business, there is a lot of information being passed daily and your aim should be to keep them stored and safe for future purposes. There are many reasons why you should back up your company’s information on the cloud and we’re here to convince you about that.
Advantages of Cloud Computing For Your Business Communication and Collaboration
Recent statistics from Forbes have shown that about 73% of American-based companies are planning on moving to a complete cloud computing system. This does not include the 57% who have already accepted and are using this technological advancement. So, why is there an increasing adoption of this cloud-based technology? It is probably the reason you should join in on the trend. Let’s state them out clearly, shall we?
1. Reduced Cost
Show us a business whose goal is not to minimize cost and we’ll question their existence. If cloud computing is an easier and more beneficial way to cut cost, we see no reason why you shouldn’t jump on that wagon. But first, let’s examine how the reduction in cost happens.
When you compare the amount needed to set up a cloud-based computing system to that of setting up the hard disk system, it is relatively cheaper. So, your production cost is cut down. Also, maintenance cost is eliminated when using the cloud-based system because it is the job of your service provider, not you.
2. Security, Data Backup and Recovery
The first thought that comes to mind at the mention of cloud computing is security. Nobody wants their classified documents being leaked to the public or their competition. Most organizations spend a lot of money trying to protect their documents when the cloud is as safe as can be. Also, the cloud service providers back up your data on different systems so in the event of a crash or system error, you have a safe copy that can be easily recovered.
3. Improvement in Speed and Productivity
Speed and productivity are two factors that are tightly correlated. An increase in speed would automatically mean an increase in your business’s production rate. With cloud computing, you can access your production resources in a short time and render your services faster. You can also distribute these resources to your employees whenever and from wherever they are in the world. As long as they have a device, they would access it in no time. It is also possible to create a collaboration platform where information is shared among employees, thereby enabling them to work as a team. Working as a team means increased productivity.
4. The Flexibility of Your Business
With a cloud-based system, you can make so many decisions without having to worry about your in-house infrastructures. You can change your business location without worry and also convert some of your employees to remote workers.
If you were tied down to the in-house infrastructures, not only would you incur a lot of expenses on transporting and reinstalling the equipment, there would also be additional expenses if there are damages during transport.
5. Scalability
There is no storage limitation on the cloud-based system. This is another disadvantage of the hard disk solved by an improved system. An implication of this is that if the need for an increase in system capacity for your business arises, the cloud-based system can easily accept that demand without any problem or need for extra expenses.
This is far from the case were you running on the in-house infrastructures. You practically would have to look for capital to purchase extra storage systems to accommodate your growth and increased demand.
6. Collaboration
We made mention of this earlier but more light has to be shed on it. The cloud-based system creates an avenue to communicate in groups. An example would be a platform where your employees get to communicate, pass across resources and work in a team. Another important reference would be the ability to have a meeting with investors and business partners on the platform in real-time. The good thing is that all your information is stored and safe so there’s no need to worry.
Let’s also not forget that these collaborations can work without all parties being in your business location. From wherever they are in the world, your business remains active and productive.
7. Automatic Integration of Softwares
Why stress yourself moving from one software to the other to get something done, when can be done in one and the information automatically communicated to your other software? With the cloud-based system comes automation and automation means more time on your hands to face other business functions.
The cloud-based system’s integration with your work software means that there would be ease of management and tracking error quickly. It also increases the efficiency of your services.
Every wonder how these big companies function and carry those functions efficiently, well, you already guessed the answer right. Most of them are very willing to pick up on new technologies because it makes their work easier and faster. So, why not hop on new technologies like the cloud-based systems and grow your business to what you dreamed it would be. There’s never harm in striving for growth.
Originally published at https://nextplane.net on November 11, 2019.